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We Are Tracey Trottenberg
& George P. Kansas

We are Leadership and Language "Alchemists." Our passion is to support purpose-driven entrepreneurs, leaders and their teams to Speak and Lead with Love. Our purpose is to elevate and accelerate consciousness on the planet. With over 50 years combined of experience leading transformation, we help Amazing Leaders like you who want to make a genuine impact in the world from ‘the inside out’. We bring proven strategies and timeless principles to your everyday life and work so you can lead and communicate in more conscious and embodied ways. 


A percentage of Amazing International’s revenue goes to “Voices for Love" our 501-C3 Non-Profit Organization. We support heart-centered difference makers with their passion projects providing them education, leadership training, scholarships, fundraising, awareness, support, community and empowerment.

We help those who are finding their voice, not able to speak for themselves, or are not being heard. Your voice will make a difference. As you work on yourself and invest in your evolution and awakening, you help those in need. Together, WE make the world safer, kinder and more caring for the children, animals, women, cancer survivors, and our Mother Earth.