This is your personal invitation to 

Awaken Your Divinity

And Create

Your Best Year Yet!

Join us in Sedona for three powerful days - with master-teachers, modern mystics and spiritual igniters, George P. Kansas and Tracey Trottenberg-Kansas - where you'll uncover your path to the most authentic, most powerful, most expressed version of you yet.

If you are READY to set yourself up for a powerful, clear 2019, THIS IS WHERE YOU WANT TO BE.

We Are Diving Deep Into The Context and The Details 

The "WHY" As Well As The "WHAT"

This hands-on workshop will be intimate with tons of laser and ‘heart seat' coaching. There will be time for you to do the work so you can take immediate action when you leave.

  • You will leave with an action plan 

  • You will leave with more clarity
  • You will leave knowing not just what you’re doing but why you’re doing it 
  • You will leave knowing how to move yourself through the moments you have momentum and how to pick Yourself up when you don’t feel the momentum 
  • You will leave knowing how to harness spiritual technology and manifestation so you’re working with the flow and not getting in your own way
  • You will leave with a deep sense of empowerment and confidence

Your Best Year Yet

An intimate, 3-day workshop

happening February 6 - 8th, 2019  

in magical Sedona, Arizona

Goals? Of Course!

Purpose? Naturally!

Game Plan? Absolutely!

Here's A Glimpse Of What We'll Cover Together During This Intimate 3 Day Hands-On Workshop...


A new twist on the WHYs behind all the WHATs. Alignment like you’ve never really known it. 


Not just a breakdown of tasks, but a road map that is actually in alignment with who you truly desire to be and how to identify and eliminate those behaviors that are otherwise most likely to get in your way.


Taking the new you into the world and talking about your vision will require a little preparation, planning and practice. Alignment and congruence take nurturing, compassion and patience. How you speak about your vision and purpose, can either rapidly enhance your progress and manifestation or it can grind things to a halt. Learn how to choose acceleration over sabotage, every time.

And, SO much more that's important for YOU to have Your Best Year Yet!

Your Investment For This Amazing Workshop Is $888 

Meet Your Master Teachers

We are George P. Kansas and Tracey Trottenberg-Kansas, and have been pouring our hearts and souls into the work of conscious communication, feminine and masculine leadership and spiritual awakening for over 50 years combined. 

By now, you’ve noticed something bold and unique about “The Amazing Life" Community.

Why? Because, we like to do things differently.  There is a yin and yang to all of us, a push and a pull, a masculine and feminine. There is wisdom in the interplay of these energies, and much to learn from both perspectives and ways of being, and the integration of the two.

After years on our own personal journeys, each and both coaching tens of thousands of executives, entrepreneurs and teams in conscious communication and leadership, and winning honors that include best-selling author, award-winning international speakers, and our personal favorite, “spiritual ignitors,” we came together in love and a shared mission to help women and men like you find their truest and fullest expression.

As spiritual guides and “status quo” disruptors, walking this path everyday ourselves and leading our amazing community, we know from experience that the results of living in this consciousness are juicy, liberating and truly fulfilling.

Our Mission Is To Elevate And Accelerate The Consciousness Of The Planet.

a portion of each ticket will be donated to Voices for the Voiceless

Everything we do, supports “Voices for the Voiceless,” our 501-C3 Non-Profit Organization dedicated to helping those who are not able to speak for themselves, or are not being heard. 

Your voice will make a difference and as you work on yourself and invest in your evolution and awakening, you help those in need. Together, WE make the world safer, kinder and more caring for the kids, animals, women, cancer survivors and our Mother Earth.

John Michael Maury

Transformational Performer, Teacher

~  San Diego, California

"I'm feeling new awakenings and new openings that are transpiring because of it.

An evolution. A shifting and up-leveling, for sure. I recommend this work to everyone

Everyone who is ready to open up and step into a greater version of themselves."

Chris Hazen Molina

Heartfelt Workforce + LifeForce,

~  Tucson, Arizona

“I used to think, “I’ve been there, I’ve done that, I know how to do this.” And what I learned very quickly is that I really didn’t. I had done some work, and there were so many more layers of me to work with. What I didn’t realize was that I was playing very small. Being in this space allowed me to say yes to that next level and release old ways and old structures that were no longer serving me in my business.

​I was also blown away by the blended male and female energy of Tracey and George. So much of what George shared touched me so deeply, because I knew I had some things to work on regarding men and male energy. I felt very blessed to be able to have both of their energy. Watching the two of them together is literally like magic.”

Deborah Garrett

Performer, Business Owner

~  Orange County, California

"Took me to places inside myself I’ve never been before. I started to realize how much I had to own and honor, and wanted to unleash. This is more life changing than anything else I’ve ever done. Clearly. Without a doubt."

If you do ONE THING to set yourself up for a powerful, clear year ahead where you have specific tools, specific ways of knowing what your true desires are, what your true motivation is, and what’s going to keep you going when you don’t feel like doing what’s in front of you, then this is where you want to be.

We are flipping goal setting on its head so that what you actually create is what is going to give you the fuel to keep moving, even when you don’t want to.


This three day deep dive immersion into creating your goals, your plans, your vision, and your purpose, in all areas of your life, is going to be what sets this year apart because you will have created the best start for this new year.


This will be a combination of strategies, practical tactics, and spiritual technology so that you are aligned from the inside out.


This is the workshop to attend to set yourself up for the most amazing 2019.


You want to give yourself the best opportunity to have a successful year.

You are open to breaking free from the way you think you’re supposed to do things. 

You actually want to find out why setting your goals and accomplishing them hasn’t worked so far.

You are willing and excited to bring in new ways that are proven to help you manifest your desires. 

You want to have both a clear action plan and some facility and skill in speaking and manifesting so you can accelerate this with more potentcy. 

You are open and coachable and willing to leave your ego at the door and let us pour into you. 


You’re coming to us with all the answers because you think you know exactly what you’re supposed to do. ​

You are wanting to push business cards and not willing to do the deeper inner work so you can actually be focused on yourself and create what you want.

You are closed or not interested in doing the inner work that it will take to accomplish your outer goals.

"I knew I needed to step up and be who I am.  I felt alone and wanted support by people of like minds. I knew I wanted a team and I wasn't sure what I was looking for.  When I met Tracey and George, I knew I was home. I felt safe, confident, and aligned. I wanted to learn how to open to a new team moving away from the traditional form of my team of the past 30 years in business and get to be who I really am. Because of this work I am creating a viable and successful business doing more public speaking, and my relationships are improving."

Steffi Jo

Artist, Writer, Essence Coach

"It's empowering to know that it starts with me or it's inside me. Then I have the ability to change it."

I would recommend this work for anyone who wants a really fulfilling life, or if their life doesn't look the way they want it to look. That's what this is about - approaching that and figuring out how to get - it's kind of corny - but the life you want."


Business Owner, Consultant

Hollywood, California

"George and Tracey as leaders is what separates this from others."

"It's a different conversation. As it went on, I realized that it's not about me doing more - I'm not a doing machine. No amount of studying and new knowledge will help me be more heard and self-expressed. It's about who I am being, and that was the shift."

Brandy Rainey-Amstel

Film Maker, Transformational Artist

Austin, Texas

“I think seeing seeing other successful women be vulnerable, and show who they were, is really inspiring. I’m now interacting with my clients in a more feminine way, and my world isn’t crashing down because I’m more vulnerable with them. It’s actually making it really enjoyable for all of us and I feel free. That’s huge.

 ~ Rashi Mehra-Karnani

Copy Writer, Copy Coach

 Los Angeles, California

This is your personal invitation to 

Your Best Year Yet

An intimate, 3-day workshop

happening February 6 - 8th, 2019  

in magical Sedona, Arizona

Your Investment For This Amazing Workshop Is $888 

Copyright 2018, Amazing International - TERMS and CONDITIONS