We are in a time of great change.
To adapt to this change - to survive and indeed thrive - we need to shift out of old thinking into something higher.
A new way of elevating ourselves, our conversations and the consciousness with which we are looking ahead.
The old thinking brought us here, new thinking will lift us out.
"No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”
Albert Einstein
Meet Your Agents of Change!
Lisa Enochs
Tracey Trottenberg-Kansas
George P. Kansas
The international team that brought you Unleash LIVE! and New Paradigm Leader is proud to present:
New Paradigm Leader for Teams
Having conscious language tools to immediately shift the way we speak to and connect with ourselves and others is not only important, it’s essential. At Amazing International, we are uniquely positioned to help you create intimacy and connection in this virtual world. In our New Paradigm Leader program, you and your team will be supported, guided, and coached to step more fully into the leaders you desire to BE for your business, customers and clients, family, friends, and communities.
Our programs are proven, time-tested, experiential, interactive and intimate - even on Zoom - which gives your people the opportunity to learn tools and have immediate opportunities to practice them in real time. This creates more sustainable change which in turn creates faster, better results and returns.
Our passion is supporting your people to feel more empowered to make a greater contribution, with a genuine care about success and impact within the company as well as their communities and the world at large. We provide the training, coaching and support they need to lead from their authentic core and strength and to create meaningful and sustainable results. That means greater connection to your company and increased productivity. When people feel good about what they are doing and feel more purposeful, enjoy greater satisfaction in their lives overall, and bring more care, effort and productivity to their work.
“Corporate testimonials here"
Bla bla bla
This program is for:
This is the time for us to come together to connect rather than seclude, share rather than isolate and explore together how to navigate the waters of this extraordinary time.
New Paradigm Leader will teach your team:
This program can be:
Contact Us for an Assessment Conversation
Click Below and Send Us Your Contact Information. We'll be in touch to discuss your team's needs and how our team can help yours!
Program Overview:
Every month, a percentage of Amazing International’s revenue goes to “Voices for Love”our 501-C3 Non-Profit Organization dedicated to helping those who are not able to speak for themselves or are not being heard. Your voice will make a difference as you work on yourself and invest in your evolution and awakening, you help those in need. Together, WE make the world safer, kinder and more caring for the kids, animals, women, cancer survivors, and our Mother Earth.
© 2019 Amazing International
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