You are here to lead conversations that matter with the people who matter to you.

At this time in history, we’re all being invited to step out of the status quo and bring forward something that is more true, more sustainable and more synched up with your authentic, aligned and actualized true self.

You are here for such a time as this, if you:

  • Want to lead and shape conversations that are important to you.
  • Have wisdom to share about what you’ve lived and learned to help others.
  • Want to be authentic and aligned in your message and how you communicate.
  • Want to be clear, impactful and have resonance when you speak.
  • Have been quiet, not knowing what to say and not wanting to be part of the noise.
  • Want a safe space to find your voice without being judged.
  • Want to allow your higher power/higher message to come through you. 
  • Know your self care matters so you can care for others and live your purpose.
  • Know you're here to help move others towards a better future.

You have something to say and people need to hear it.

You don’t have to be perfect to speak or lead.

Here’s the problem - 

If you're here to share your purpose with people you care about - in your personal world, in business and in the world at large - and you’ve been searching around looking for the ‘next best thing’ that will make you successful and bring you money/results/etc and aren’t finding it, that’s because you won’t find what you’re looking for...out there.

It’s not out there.

It’s in you.

"KNOW THYSELF" - the quintessential leadership truth.

Until you know how you're unconsciously holding back and stopping yourself from speaking and sharing what you see, having what you want, and being who you yearn to be (and were born to be), you'll keep chasing something that won't give you what you really need.

Most people and many teachers don’t touch this deeper work because it’s uncomfortable. It’s messy. It can get emotional and vulnerable.

That’s where most stop.

This is where we shine.

And not just us - a whole community of folks like us, and like you, who are committed to freeing themselves to be more of their real self to have the life, business, love, relationships, health, they desire so they can be more of the leaders they want to be.

There is one caveat, one principle, one thing that is required from you to make this work.

You have to want it. 

And by "it", we mean to become more of the real, authentic you.

You have to want to drop the masks (not the physical one yet, since we’re still in the pandemic and we believe that being cautious saves lives), but the ways you’ve been shrinking, hiding and pretending to try to fit into some mold or idea, or be something that may have worked up until now, but now longer feels like the real you.

We call that ‘pretzeling,’ and you just don’t have to do that anymore.

In fact, if there's any gift to be had from this pandemic and breakdown of old systems that are crumbling and not sustainable, it's that you can no longer go on denying what's true for you or trying to squeeze yourself into a box that's too small for the truth of you.

That still small voice inside of you may be getting louder.

You may be aware and hearing it, or you may be feeling more unease and unsettled inside - even anxious or afraid - because you know you can't keep doing the same old things.

Or being the same old ways.

That's because there's something else trying to break through.

Just like what's happening in the world right now.

We're not meant to go 'back to the way things were' or fix what's broken. 

We're here to bring forward whatever is trying to show itself and emerge - in, as and through you - and through those of us who know we're here to make a positive impact.

In other words...bring forward a new paradigm.

You want to talk about the things that matter, and you are willing to learn how to be that kind of leader - at home, at work, in the world.

When you know how to discover and align with your inner truth and inner voice, you’ll know how to lead and shape conversations - on any ‘stage’ in your life, at home, at work and on social media - that can create the impact you desire and dream of in your heart. 

Right now everyone wants to get better at the virtual experience. Knowing how to create intimacy and connection in a virtual world is essential. It’s unlikely that’s going to change for a while, and these same skills will serve you at home as they will when we’re back out in the world and on stages.  

We teach you the skills of navigating challenging conversations and the important conversations in your life that go beyond your business or leadership, and into your family dynamics. From the stage to the dinner table - so you can have the difficult conversations that transform and get results, and connect with people in a way that opens hearts rather than closes them down. 

You'll discover the unconscious talk - your self talk and conversations - that undermine your true intention and desires, and purpose.

We'll help you transform that - so it helps you, and it helps those you serve and those around you. You’ll start to talk to yourself and about yourself, and express yourself, in  ways that are supportive and aligned. 

You'll get to the bottom of the real conversations you’re having with yourself and others that are sabotaging you and blocking your success and your true fulfillment.

You'll know how to finally get out of your way and get on your own side so you become an unstoppable force for good in the world, and in your life.

This is about you - your business and leadership - and you personally. 

All of you is welcome, and needed now. 

Our focus is helping to reveal more of your true self - what’s underneath the patterns and conditioning and ways you’ve learned to survive and ‘make it’.

This is about you becoming the person you yearn in your heart so you can show up in all areas of your life, relationship, business in the ways you desire.

This is about you being in alignment with yourself and having the challenging conversations so you’re able to move through it and create more connection and more life and love and abundance. We’ll help you become that person.

We’re going to help you make explicit the unconscious conversations you’re having everyday with yourself and others that are blocking you.

We’ll help you make the invisible visible and get on your own side and then get you in the conversation that supports you instead of sabotages you. Now you’re empowered and have full agency and clarity and know what you’re living for, going for and have the capacity to do it.

You will have a strong foundation for yourself. That’s what this time is asking of us and inviting us to make a priority.

You know you want to get your voice out there and get your message out there and make a difference in the world and finally live a life that’s deeply fulfilling and successful.

It's time for you to:

Lovingly shift the limiting beliefs and stories you’ve been unconsciously holding on to so you can experience more freedom inside yourself, and therefore more freedom with whatever’s going on outside of you (rather than feeling like a victim).

Speak and use language in a way that demonstrates your leadership so you can be more expressed, and congruent and the energy with which you speak lines up with what you’re saying.

Prioritize your self care - in ways that might surprise and delight you - so you can feel more resourced and resourceful to navigate your inner world and the world around you.

Connect more deeply with yourself and have real tools to create more intimate connections - even and especially in a virtual world - so you can show up more fully for your life and work, and the people who need you most.

"No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” 


"Your life is a direct reflection of the conversations that are happening in your head and coming out of your mouth."

The lens through which you look at everything in your life - and the way you speak - on the inside and out - fundamentally shapes who you are and how you love, live and lead yourself and others.

This is what we mean by becoming a New Paradigm Leader.

The version of you who yearns to be more fully expressed and free so you can:

  • Speak in a way that expresses what’s in your heart and let go of concerns about what people say about you.
  • Share your work, your story and what’s important to you and be more comfortable in your skin.
  • Lead more from your heart and integrate more of your true nature.
  • Live more in your purpose and have that be abundant and profitable.
  • Be more connected to your spiritual core and know that you are making decisions and taking actions from that divine inspiration day in and day out.
  • Be more powerful, clear and compelling in your conversations at home, at work and in the world - both in person and virtually.

To reveal the unconscious patterns and elevate your consciousness so we can take the ‘schmutz’ off your lenses - automatic patterns and ways of seeing, speaking, living, leading, etc - and start to become the person you know deep down inside sees a world that you’re excited about.

The version of you who yearns to be more fully expressed and free so you can:

  • Speak in a way that expresses what’s in your heart and let go of concerns about what people say about you.
  • Share your work, your story and what’s important to you and be more comfortable in your skin.
  • Lead more from your heart and integrate more of your true nature.
  • Live more in your purpose and have that be abundant and profitable.
  • Be more connected to your spiritual core and know that you are making decisions and taking actions from that divine inspiration day in and day out.
  • Be more powerful, clear and compelling in your conversations at home, at work and in the world - both in person and virtually.

Welcome to 

New Paradigm Leader

 What's Included:

  • Daily Prosperity Consciousness Meditations
  • Weekly Group Calls 
  • Video Training
  • Live Teaching and Transmissions
  • Personal Integration Mentorship
  • Private FB group support

The value of this program is well over $4500

I Am A New Paradigm Leader

$1700 or
3 payments of $597

Our Greatest Joy and Purpose 


You have power and greatness inside you
that is ready to emerge.

Let us help you find it within and share it with others in the ways that you dream and feel true for you.

Together with you, we’ll roll up our sleeves and dive deep into your leadership: WHO you’re being, HOW you’re showing up in life and business, and HOW to align your Inner and Outer worlds as you STEP into who you’re truly meant to be.

There has never been a better time than right now for you to step into your truth, purpose, vision and voice as the New Paradigm Leader you’re meant to be.

A personal note from Tracey about who you surround yourself with and what’s possible for you in a conscious community and in our Amazing Community.

"We curate our community in very particular ways that create a more safe and sacred experience and environment so you can get to know yourself and have the breakthroughs you need and desire most.

This is very sacred to me as part of my own personal journey.  I’ve never been a natural 'joiner' or ‘community person’ by nature. Truth is, I rarely felt like I fit in or belonged for most of my life.

As I dove into personal growth and coaching programs, I often struggled because while I appreciated the good intentions and well-meaning of people in the groups, I often felt imposed upon and received unsolicited advice in masterminds from folks that didn't feel like they were hearing me, or getting what I'm really about.  

I judged myself because I wanted to feel more connected and 'at ease' with the group dynamics, but I realized that what I really wanted was to be supported to 'be with' my deeper truth and to have help to bring out what was inside of me that I couldn't see or access on my own.

I thought I wanted more input and searched for groups, coaches and solutions, but what I really yearned for was to be more of my true self - and help to bring that out. Help to bring out the best in me and move that forward. I wanted to feel safe and seen for the real me. 

So many groups and communities felt unsafe and ‘noisy’. 

Through my own evolution in this, I've come to cherish what it means to be part of a conscious community. Helping to curate a safe environment for transformation and stepping into one's purpose has become such a passion for me that I continue to be outspoken in the communities and groups I'm a part of to help those like me to feel more safe to share and be seen, and to bring more awareness and consciousness to how people interact in groups and the facilitation and leadership required to create and hold space in this 'new paradigm." Tracey Trottenberg- Kansas

How do you know if you're ready to


If you've been:

  • Quiet because you’re not sure what to say, or what’s ok to say, even though you know you have something helpful to share...
  • Worried about the discord and divisiveness you see happening in the world and want to make it better...
  • Yearning to lead and do more, but also feel stuck and stifled...
  • Struggling with how to do your business virtually and create the same connections and good feelings you do in person...
  • Knowing that as much as you want to be ‘light’ and positive, you feel heaviness within and are afraid of your emotions and shadow parts...
  • Craving to be with others of a higher ‘vibe’ and participate in higher level conversations about what’s possible...
  • Feeling afraid of being shamed or judged online when you share your heart...
  • Yearning for clarity and confidence to speak up about what you believe...
  • Wanting to take care of yourself and have more energy and resources so you can take care of others...
  • Wanting to be part of a community where you can be yourself and not have to apologize, shrink, compare or hide your vision and heart’s desires to make a positive change...

If yes, then you’re in the right place, at the right time, and ready to join others who are living this now.

Because living your purpose and leading in a way that is refreshing is required, especially now!


Feeling on purpose every day and on the days you wobble, having tools and support to lift you back up and get back on track.

Being more grounded and present, even when it seems like the rest of the world is in chaos and flailing around.

Expressing yourself with more confidence and clarity about what’s in your heart, even if you’re the only one who sees it.

Knowing you're investing your precious energy every day to create, lead and serve.

Feeling more resourced and resourceful because you’re taking great care of yourself, and have more to give those you love and care about.

Enjoying the feeling of growing and being part of something meaningful along with others doing the same.

This program is designed to bring you deeper into yourself, your purpose and your leadership.

Whether you are leading a business, a team, a group or a conversation at your dinner table, new ways of connecting and communicating with those around us are being called for.

From the very first session, we’ll guide you in learning powerful principles, practices and transformational tools to start creating immediate awareness and shifts so you tap into your deeper truth.

You’ll experience a safe place for you to share fears and doubts, dreams and vision as you work through your current challenges and uplevel yourself to elevate your consciousness, now.

During this transformational program you’ll learn to:

Evolve Your Patterns & Personal Energetics 

  • Know how to navigate your emotions and feelings for greater compassion, focus and energy
  • Develop emotional awareness and claim your sensitivity as your superpower
  • Create new habits that are more restorative, profitable and effective for your life, business and relationships
  • Heal shame and bring compassion to yourself so you can do so for others
  • Transform seeming obstacles into opportunities and learn how to gain power over circumstances
  • Apply conscious language tools to immediately shift the way you speak with yourself and with others

Expand Your Perspective & Deepen Your Purpose

  • Discover your internal ‘lens’ and how it either holds you back or sets you free.
  • See yourself more clearly and create new ways of doing things that will bring new results
  • Get under the surface to claim more of your purpose and what you care about.
  • Shift your perspective where necessary to access the clearest path toward your vision
  • Solidify your true purpose to serve your mission during these uncertain times
  • Access your leadership and vulnerability to create connections with others and still stand in your strength
  • Lead new conversations that are focused on respect, kindness and love

Tap Into Your Prosperity & Know Your Impact 

  • Activate prosperity and connect with the true source of your wealth
  • Expand your consciousness to be more resourceful and confident in the face of challenges
  • Engage in sacred sales conversations and ways to support people
  • Lead virtual conversations that create intimacy
  • Become the partner others want to be around - in life and business
  • Know your impact so you pull people and opportunities towards you
  • Give yourself permission to be seen and heard, as the real you
  • Take action from being in greater alignment

Time-Honored Principles and Self-Care Practices

  • Learn to take care of yourself so you have the energy and resources you need for yourself, your work and your family
  • Turning routine into ritual to build new habits for your success
  • Break free from old beliefs that keep you from taking amazing care of yourself
  • Have more quality time and interactions with yourself and others
  • Tools to lead yourself with more compassion and kindness so you can give that to others

And SO much more that’s important for YOU personally!

Most of all, you’ll wake up to your amazingness and realize the true powers you possess within!

The value of this program is well over $4500

Your price for this powerful group experience is only

$1700 or
3 payments of $597

Grow Yourself AND Make A Difference For Others!

A Percentage Of Your Registration Supports
Voices For Love, Inc. 501c3 charitable organization

It's Time To Shine Your Light 

as the Fullest Expression of Your True Self




I’m making the changes in my life that I’ve been wanting to make for years!

“When things shut down in March, I went from traveling to deliver live events to having all events postponed until 2021.

My whole life, lifestyle and livelihood changed in an instant. This work with George and Tracey has helped me to see this as a beautiful opportunity to make the changes in my life that I've been wanting to make for almost two years now, and to experience my emotions about all that is going on around me without being paralyzed by it - I'm actually stronger because of it.”

Lisa Enochs Orange County, California


During these challenging times, I've brought in new clients and I'm closer with my husband than ever!

“In the past, I struggled with negative self-talk. It pulled me down and colored my interactions and kept me from believing more in myself and my value. In the beginning of this work with George, Tracey and the community here, I would do everything in my power to prove that I was right and wasn't worthy by pushing everyone away. Yet the more I pushed, the more the Amazing Community leaned in. When I realized what support I had here, I opened up. By connecting to something bigger than myself and being witnessed in this process, I've gained a ton of tools to catch my negative thoughts sooner and turn them into something more powerful by aligning my energy.”

Beth Nelson - Watsonville, California


I now hold a safe space for the ones I love to share their opinions freely without feeling judged or separate.

“Very often in the past few months, I’ve been hearing conflicting opinions on almost every subject; it does not matter if it’s about health, politics or social beliefs, it seems that a choice of either being for something or against is expected. This work has helped me to be able to show up and hold a safe space for people to share their beliefs. My biggest accomplishment so far is being able to hold conversations at the dinner table where not everyone is of the same opinion and yet everyone can share freely without feeling judged or separated and where Love leads the way.”

Vanesa Curuchet Montreal, Canada


This work helps me stay present and out of fear so I can keep moving forward.

“Among many things, this work has helped me to stay present with a situation and experience, and not create stories. These tools and community help me stay out of the fear and move forward.”

Susie Berez San Diego, California


I’m receiving money and opportunities, and creating a new life for my business and myself.

“In March when COVID hit, my business went from performing 360 activity sessions a month to zero. I was scared about my financial situation. I wanted to keep my business running and staff employed but didn’t know how to lead when I didn’t have all the answers. This work and tools, and this amazing community, helped keep me focused on the opportunities instead of the problems and supported me in being more resourceful in finding solutions and expanding into new areas. Now I’m receiving money and opportunities from unexpected sources and creating a new life for my business and myself.”

Deborah Garrett Dana Point, California

Say Yes To You!

  • Yes to your calling and purpose!
  • Yes to leading from your heart!
  • Yes to be more spiritually-aligned and grounded in your truth!
  • Yes to more self care and ‘renewable-energy’ within!
  • Yes to support and community so you’re not alone in your dreams and desires!
  • Yes to your divine calling and truth!
  • Yes to making a difference and having an impact with those who need to be led by you and what you offer!


Enter you


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Live Teaching and Transmission Zoom Calls with George and Tracey

You can look forward to 9 weeks of live group calls with us. We’ll get raw and real, and share teaching and transmissions, laser coaching and live Q&A.

Live Breakout Sessions with Your Integration Mentor

Your Amazing Integration Mentors will host intimate breakout groups to support you to personally integrate and implement the tools, training and transformation you’re receiving.

Teaching Modules

Modules and worksheets to deepen the powerful principles you’ll be integrating during the program.

Enter you


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Detailed Welcome Packet

We want to know you before the program starts! You’ll share your goals and intentions for this program and we’ll review it in detail before we begin. People have breakthroughs just with this, even before the program officially starts!

Private Closed Exclusive Facebook Community

We have a very special way we create safe and sacred space online so you can connect, share what’s coming up for you and deepen your work and growth in our “imposition-free and judgment-free” online environment.

Enter you


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Access to the Daily “Prosperity Playground"

This daily listen-only meditation call is divine jet fuel for your day. You’ll receive access as soon as you register and can join us every Monday through Friday throughout the program.

Private 1-1 Integration Session with Your Mentor

Go deeper faster with the support of your Amazing Integration Mentor! You’ll receive a Private 60-minute  session ($300 value) with your Integration Mentor.

Help Others While You Grow Yourself 

A percentage of your registration goes to Voices for Love, Inc. 501c3 charitable corporation created to expand consciousness, magnify impact, and spread the experience of love, kindness, and well-being in mind, body, emotion, and spirit on this planet. Voices for Love supports passion projects with education, training, fund-raising, awareness, support, community, empowerment, and/or encouragement.

It's Your Time to Say Yes to YOU!

New Paradigm Leader 

9 Transformational Weeks Including...

  • Weekly Live teaching and transmission classes with George and Tracey
  • Weekly Live breakout sessions with your integration mentor to personalize the teaching and practice the tools
  • Video modules and worksheets
  • 24/7 Private FaceBook group led in an exclusive way
  • Detailed Welcome Packet so we get to know you and your goals


  • Access to the daily “Prosperity Playground” meditation call as soon as you register and throughout the program
  • Private 1-1 Coaching Session with your Integration Mentor

The value of this program is well over $4500

Your price for this powerful group experience is only

$1700 or
3 payments of $597

Grow Yourself AND Make A Difference For Others!

A Percentage Of Your Registration Supports
Voices For Love, Inc. 501c3 charitable organization

Here are your New Paradigm Leader Integration Mentors...

Amazing Women living these principles and practices, ready and excited to guide you to the new paradigm version of YOU!

We’re here to raise consciousness in the world, together!"

Vanesa Curutchet is a Naturopathic Doctor specializing in Ayurvedic Medicine. She has over 20 years of leadership experience managing large teams in the wellness industry and is passionate about social consciousness and establishing a safe space for effective professional and personal environments.

Deborah Garrett is President/CEO of Living Vibrant Lives Inc and Flashback Music Memories, and has been bringing vintage entertainment, activities and social connection to older adults in assisted living facilities for over 20 years. As an Ambassador of Joy, her mission is to bring people together and help strengthen the connection between mind, body & spirit

A magna cum laude graduate of UC Santa Barbara, Lisa Enochs has been doing corporate entertainment, team building and training for over 20 years. A Certified Trainer in DISC and Emotional Intelligence, she’s gifted at creating a safe atmosphere for groups to learn new, more effective ways to communicate with one another and learn about themselves. Lisa has designed and led programs throughout the U.S., Mexico, Barbados and Trinidad, and loves creating programs that give back to the community.

For over 30 years, Kristy Deegan has moved businesses to multi seven figure numbers, including her own international construction management company in Mexico. Kristy has clients throughout North America and the South Pacific, and is a special part of the Amazing International Inc Team. Impacting the lives of tens of thousands of Corporate Leaders, executive teams, entrepreneurs and business owners internationally through her coaching and training, Kristy has just been chosen as The Woman of the Month for January by P.O.W.E.R. Magazine. (Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized)

Wendy Crowther is an International multiple business entrepreneur, leader, speaker, educator, certified chef, certified business mentor and certified Life coach. She is a great mum, grandma, love’s nature, animals, yoga, running, healthy living and travelling. She has a passion for working with Women and Teens who want to achieve their dreams especially in times of a crisis or fear. Wendy sold her website and Internet marketing business in California USA to move home to the UK a few years ago to bring a little sunshine to her home town in England. She returned to her Inspirational coaching and mentoring work after working with and alongside her USA powerful mentor/coaches.

Gerri Meverden has been an Entrepreneur for 32 years. As a Financial Advisor for 18 years, she has $30 Million assets under management and has served and helped hundreds of families to build wealth and heal their relationships with money. Celebrating her marriage for 37 years and working with her husband as well, Gerri is a beloved Mother, Grandmother, Aunt, Feminine Leader, friend and lifetime learner.

Sonia Meeter serves as the Area Director for Business Networking International (BNI) for the Southern Colorado region and is a Group Leader for Touchstone Crystal, Swarovski’s direct sales division for fashion jewelry. A certified Emotional Intelligence coach, Sonia believes we each have the responsibility for creating an environment hospitable for healing. A coach and consultant for twenty years, she creates a safe space that invites others to see the beauty and humor in all of life’s adventures. Sonia and her husband of 23-years, Kevin, are the adoptive parents to two daughters, and “Lolli & Pop” to their first granddaughter.

Fran Larkin has had a career of leadership in a variety of settings government, corporate and small business for almost five decades.  She currently owns her own business in financial planning, also coaching small business owners in leadership and creating networks.  Conscious and compassionate communication are her keys to creating safety and creativity in meeting life challenges.

You Have Greatness Inside You

and  It’s Your Time Now

No matter how many things are going on in your life right now, how much success or how little movement you’ve been having, and no matter how unsure or afraid you may feel, you know it’s your time to make a change and become more of the real you.

As a person with a beautiful heart and desire to fulfill your purpose, you're now being seen and called up! You've either been invited here by someone who sees you and cares about you deeply, or you've found your way to this page and followed your own inner guidance.

Please trust that.

The truth is, what’s needed now more than ever in the midst of all the noise – in the world, in social media, in your inbox and maybe even in your own head – is learning how to be real, aligned, and feel safe to come out into the world as all of who you are meant to be.

We’ve designed this in a way that is intimate so you receive real support, breakthroughs, and deeper connection.

Join Tracey and George, and our Amazing Integration Mentors, to experience a new paradigm shift in the way you relate to yourself, your purpose and to the world.

Claim your spot today!

We are George P. Kansas and Tracey Trottenberg-Kansas, and have been pouring our hearts and souls into the work of conscious communication, integrated feminine and masculine leadership, and spiritual awakening for over 50 years combined. By now, you’ve noticed something bold and unique about “New Paradigm Leader."

Why? Because, we like to do things differently. There is a yin and yang to all of us, a push and a pull, a masculine and feminine - an Eagle and a Condor in each of us.

There is wisdom in this interplay of energies, and much to learn from both perspectives and ways of being, and the integration of the two. This is just one of the reasons our teaching together has a unique and powerful impact that works for you from day one.

After years on our own personal journeys, each and both coaching tens of thousands executives, entrepreneurs and teams in conscious communication and leadership, and winning honors that include best-selling author, award-winning international speakers, and - our personal favorite - “spiritual ignitors,” we came together in love and a shared mission to help people like you, find the true and full expression of all that is meant for you, and that you are uniquely and authentically here to fulfill.

As a couple, we feel the growing urgency of bringing the power of masculine and feminine integration and harmony to light. We’re constantly emphasizing and celebrating the critical role this integration plays in healing the planet.

As spiritual guides and “status quo” disruptors, walking this path each day ourselves and leading our Amazing Community, we know from experience that the results of living in this consciousness are juicy, liberating, and truly fulfilling.

Tracey Trottenberg-Kansas has spoken to, trained and coached tens of thousands of corporate leaders, teams, entrepreneurs, women in business, speakers and authors internationally. With over twenty-five years in corporate and as an entrepreneur, she has shared the stage with luminaries such as Les Brown, Marianne Williamson, Lisa Nichols and others. Tracey is an Award-Winning Speaker, Creator and Co-Author of the best selling book “Faces of the New Feminine Leadership.”

George Peter Kansas is an international speaker, recognized coach, and respected intuitive guide to performers, athletes, C-suite executives and entrepreneurs. A speaker for three decades, George has shared the marquis with inspirational greats like Zig Ziglar, Denis Waitley and Brian Tracy.   George has written 9 books, is a former lawyer, father and grandfather, 2-time cancer survivor, and now “presence advisor” to some of America’s most talented performers. He wrote the Jumper Cables for the Soul series of books and just completed an updating rewrite of the perennial classic “The Science of Getting Rich”.

With a combined 50 years of experience on stage and leading transformation - as seasoned entrepreneurs, keynote speakers, corporate and master trainers, Leadership and Conscious Communication experts, we co-lead the “Amazing Life” community and advanced leadership programs.  We also produce and host live experiences, workshops, retreats and group programs as well as host the daily subscription podcast The Prosperity Playground™.  

Our mission is to “elevate and accelerate consciousness on the planet by shifting the conversations happening on the inside and out.” Together we founded the 501c3 “Voices For Love” (formerly “Voices for the Voiceless”) to help spiritually-inclined, heart-centered difference-makers to live fully alive, be fully on purpose, and feel fully expressed by embodying your divinity and embracing your humanness - without ego and without apology.


The value of this program is well over $4500

I Am A New Paradigm Leader

$1700 or
3 payments of $597


Voices for Love, Inc.

Voices For Love, Inc. is an approved 501c3 charitable corporation created to expand consciousness, magnify impact, and spread the experience of love, kindness, and well-being in mind, body, emotion, and spirit on this planet by supporting passion projects with education, leadership training, fundraising, awareness, support, community and empowerment.

Copyright 2021, Amazing International - TERMS and CONDITIONS