You're here to lead
conversations that matter 
with the people who matter to you.

You have something to say and people need to hear it.

The time has come where more voices speaking truth and love are needed.

You have something meaningful to share
with the people who mean something to you.

We're here to help you do just that.

You can feel it.

You feel called to use your voice to make a positive difference and help others.

You want to become more of the person who can navigate difficult conversations to create peaceful resolution and greater connection.

You want to share what you see is possible in these times of change, create a positive impact, and help build a 'new world" that works for all.

You're meant to be part of a new paradigm that is emerging.

Welcome. You're home.

We're here to support you to:

  • Lead and shape conversations that are important to you.
  • Be authentic and aligned in your message and how you communicate.
  • Be clear, impactful and have resonance when you speak.
  • Share your wisdom and help guide others towards a better future.

We guide you to grow through greater self love and kindness to yourself, so you can bring more compassion and love as you step into the new paradigm version of yourself and your leadership.

You Have Greatness Inside You

As a person with a beautiful heart and desire to fulfill your purpose and share your voice, you're now being seen and called up! You've either been invited here by someone who sees you and cares about you deeply, or you've found your way to this page and followed your own inner guidance.

Please, trust that.

The truth is, what’s needed now more than ever in the midst of all the noise – in the world, in social media, in your inbox and maybe even in your own head – is learning how to be real, aligned, and feel safe to come out into the world as all of who you are meant to be.

The New Paradigm is not just an idea or theoretical - it needs to be grounded and anchored as you step more towards your vision and what’s important to you.

Most of our patterns were created based on old situations and old paradigms. The same is true for most of the conversations you’re having on a daily basis. Language is one of the ways our patterns stay entrenched - especially in personal relationships and social conversations - and why it often feels like we have ‘one foot on the gas and one foot on the brake.”

Most of these patterns are invisible to us. If we don’t see them, we can’t shift them. New Paradigm Leader makes the invisible visible so you can see yourself more clearly and make real and lasting changes so that you can speak and lead and bring forward the version of you that is wanting to emerge.

This is what it means to "Be the change you wish to see in the world."

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." 

Albert Einstein 

"Know Thyself"

Knowing who you really are - how you tick and talk, if you will - is among the most important leadership skills you can acquire and embody. This ancient truth has been around for eons.

Whether you're leading a business, a team, a workshop or a conversation at your dinner table, you're being called up - just like we all are - to new ways of connecting and communicating with those around you. 

If you’ve been feeling that you:

  • Want to share what’s in your heart but are afraid you’ll be misunderstood, rejected or ridiculed.
  • Know your gifts must be expressed but feel like a fraud and not fully living it yet.
  • Want to give more but feel drained just thinking about it.
  • Have so much inside but feel like you should be further ahead than you are now.

We know how that feels!

We’ll guide you to the new paradigm version of yourself
and show you that you’re right on time!

Our Purpose:
 "To elevate and accelerate consciousness on the planet by shifting the conversations happening inside us and around us." 

We're here to help you fulfill YOUR purpose.

Welcome to 

New Paradigm Leader

7-week, Virtual and Live, Conscious Communication and Leadership Program

New Paradigm Leader brings you deeper into yourself, your purpose, your leadership and how you communicate.

YOUR Patterns. YOUR Perspectives. YOUR Paradigm.

In New Paradigm Leader, you'll experience our safe and 'judgment-free' space for you to speak what’s true in your heart that you might not feel safe to speak anywhere else. The tools and consciousness you gain will help you bring your voice out in a way that feels more authentic and has more resonance so you can be heard more easily by the people who need to hear you.

In New Paradigm Leader, you will:

  • Deepen your self-awareness for a greater alignment with your purpose.
  • Accelerate your confidence and clarity.
  • Bring you more into self mastery to communicate more effectively with yourself and others as a leader.
  • Help you create momentum. 
  • Elevate your conscious communication and leadership of yourself and others.

From the moment you register, we'll share powerful principles and tools to create immediate awareness and real shifts so you can speak and lead in ways that reflect your true essence, and the impact you want to have. 

New Paradigm Leader

Conscious Communication and Leadership Program

Your 7 Transformational Weeks Include:

  • DAILY live prosperity and wealth consciousness meditations
  • WEEKLY live teaching and transmission calls with group coaching and Q&A
  • WEEKLY small group accountability to personalize the teachings and practice the tools
  • DIGITAL video training, modules and worksheets
  • 24/7 EXCLUSIVE Private Facebook group 

Plus this amazing bonus when you register before September 30th:

Receive a PRIVATE, 1-on-1, "Action and Accountability" call

with your personal Integration Mentor ($300 value)

It's Time To Shine Your Light
and Express Your True Self
Without Ego and Without Apology

The Value of This Program is Well Over $4000

Your New Paradigm Leader Investment is:

$888 or 
3 payments of $314

Register now (price goes up to $1111 on October 1st)

* Partial Scholarships may be available. 

CLICK HERE to apply.

How do you know if you're ready
to step into New Paradigm Leader?

If you:

  • Yearn for clarity and confidence to speak up and share what you believe, yet also feel stuck and stifled...
  • Want to know how to shift challenging conversations and create harmony when you see discord and divisiveness...
  • Desire more self-care for yourself so you have more energy and capacity to help others...
  • Thrive with others of a higher 'vibe,' and crave a community where you can become the best version of you without having to apologize, shrink or compare...

Then yes, you're ready!

You're in the right place, at the right time, and ready to join
others living and leading this new paradigm now!

Our greatest joy and purpose is to help you live YOURS!


We keep this program "intentionally-intimate" so we get to know you, and you get more personalized support and attention. 

WEEKLY teaching, laser coaching
and small breakout sessions.

r text here...

Live Coaching, Teaching and Transmission Zoom Calls with George and Tracey

You can look forward to 7 weeks of live group calls with us. We’ll get raw and real, and share teaching and transmissions, give personal laser coaching in the group and live Q&A.

Live Breakout Sessions with Your Integration Mentor

Your Amazing Integration Mentors will host small breakout groups to help you personally integrate, practice and implement the tools, training and transformation you’re receiving.

Teaching Modules

You'll receive digital modules, videos and worksheets to deepen the teaching and principles you’ll be learning and integrating during the program.

EXCLUSIVE connection & CONSCIOUS community

Detailed Welcome Packet

We want to know about you and your goals for this program! This becomes even more personal because as soon as you register, you'll receive a Welcome Packet to personally share your goals and intentions for this program. Our team will review it in detail before we begin and get to know your personal needs and challenges. This helps us dive right in together with you! People have breakthroughs just by completing this packet, even before the program officially starts!

Exclusive, Private Facebook Community

We have a very special way we curate our private community. From our very first meeting, you'll be immersed in our uniquely safe and sacred space online to connect, share what’s coming up for you and deepen your inner work in our “imposition-free and judgment-free” online environment.

Enter you


Access to the Daily “Prosperity PlaygroundTM" Live Meditation Calls

This daily listen-only meditation call is divine jet fuel for your day. You’ll receive access as soon as you register and can join us live every Monday through Friday throughout the program. It's listen-only, so you can call in from wherever you are, as you are, and give yourself this daily gift.

Grow and Give!

A percentage of your registration goes to Voices for Love, Inc. 501c3 charitable corporation that supports front line workers, young adults, youth and non profits to grow their leadership and conscious communication skills with scholarships, training, awareness and empowerment.


Register before September 30th and also receive a Private, 1-on-1, "Accountability and Action" call with Your Integration Mentor*
*($300 value)

7 Transformational Weeks focused on YOU! 

  • DAILY live, prosperity and wealth consciousness meditations
  • WEEKLY live teaching and transmission calls with group coaching and Q&A
  • WEEKLY small group accountability to personalize the teachings and practice the tools
  • DIGITAL video training, modules and worksheets
  • 24/7 EXCLUSIVE Private Facebook group
  • Plusregister before September 30th and receive a
  • PRIVATE 1-on-1 "Action and Accountability" call with your personal Integration Mentor ($300 value)

  • It's Time To Say Yes to You!

    The Value of This Program is Well Over $4000

    Your New Paradigm Leader Investment is:

    $888 or 
    3 payments of $314

    Register now (price goes up to $1111 on October 1st)

    * Partial Scholarships may be available. 

    CLICK HERE to apply.

    In Their Words:

    Here are more breakthroughs, results and celebrations from

    the New Paradigm Leaders 'on the inside':

    "I am learning to change my patterns of thinking and behaving when managing my emotions. These changes I am seeing and hearing are having a direct positive impact on those around me, especially my children. I am transforming into a leader for my family by helping to break the cycles of chaos, dysfunctional communication, and showing various healthier ways to express our love for each other and for ourselves! Today my brother told me...You are becoming the big sister I always wanted and need! I am so grateful for his feedback. I am also grateful for building a new way for connecting with my daughter and our loving interaction today. I will embrace this moment and use it as my fuel to keep on this new journey. I am in process and it is a beautiful thing to witness the positive affects my transformation is having on my family as well. Thank you all for your support, your encouragement, your honesty, your love, and giving me a safe place to learn and grow!”

    “In my past history, leadership training felt like show and tell. It felt like I was encouraged to compete with others in the seminar and compare myself to them. In turn I found myself, when I did look inward, making excuses or saying, “gosh, you are doing better than most”. Neither excuses nor rationalizations helped me become the leader I wanted to be, or even pointed me in directions to make solid improvement. So I am really excited about the inward focus of this study and the group.”

    “Wow, after the call I shared with my husband my experience sharing my truth, my aha moment and my breakthrough. My truth in the moment was not wanting to share, being afraid to take up space and feeling nervous. My aha moment was when I noticed the stuck-ness I had with the old ways I talked, and the new leadership language tools we’re practicing really opened me up to curiosity, possibility and potential. My breakthrough was when I felt the shift in my body by up-leveling the language, from contracted and closed to expansive and open.

    After I shared my experience with my husband, I cried. I felt a deep sense of compassion and understanding for the wounded one inside me. And then I felt a deep sense of compassion for my husband's wounded one. I felt the grief of our patterns. I felt a softening. I felt a warmth expand across my chest and my entire body exhaling.”

    “So happy to be with this group! I’ve started putting into practice what we talked about yesterday. Thinking about how I word things and now when a feeling or reaction comes up, I try and stop to discover why I am feeling the way I am feeling. I already had a chance to practice after an encounter today - if I went with my first reaction, I would have missed a powerful moment of connection. If I didn’t examine my feelings, I would have missed that.”

    “This program and new lifestyle has been transformational! Thank you all for creating a safe place for me to be me and to have a place where I can share, reflect, and grow into a more loving human for all those around me!”

    It's Your Turn Now!

    Together With You, We'll Roll Up Our Sleeves 

    And Dive Deep Into YOUR Leadership and Conscious Communication:

    WHAT you're saying 

    WHO you're being and becoming

    HOW you show up in life and business; and,

    HOW to align your Inner and Outer worlds as you STEP into who you're truly meant to be.

    During this transformational program, you'll learn:


    Module 1  PERSPECTIVE:

    Discover Your Current Leadership Perspective

    How you see a thing affects that thing. Quantum physics shows us this is true and proven. You impact the very thing you’re looking at by the way you look at that thing. The same is true for how you speak about a thing, and the words you use affect your results. Your impact is directly related to your ability to see and create an opportunity for connection. When we see ourselves and others from a higher, more conscious and compassionate perspective, we allow the possibility of change to occur. When we expand our vision and look for what we desire to see, we start to see more of it.

    • Discover your beliefs behind the perceptions you currently hold and current paradigm and what holds you back and how to evolve it 
    • Shift limiting perspectives regarding yourself and the people around you to create more connection and love
    • Learn the "Energetics of Speaking" and how to authentically make the shifts that will have a more positive impact on your conversations 
    • How to hold seemingly opposite feelings and issues to create more peace and connection

    Module 2  PURPOSE: 

    Expand Your Heart's Purpose

    See how what you've lived up until now has been preparing you for your purpose. Connect more deeply with your purpose, especially in these turbulent times, and own why you're the PERFECT person to speak and lead about what you care about. And why you’re right on time with your message and vision...not a moment too soon, nor moment too late!

    • Access and identify your ‘why’ with greater ease (we’ll take you through a process that will make this easy and help you own it right away).
    • Transform challenges and seeming obstacles to into fuel to support your purpose and message. 
    • Connect more deeply with your inner guidance and discover how to be pulled forward by your purpose rather than push harder or struggle to try to figure it out.

    Module 3  PATTERNS: 

    Expand Your Heart's Purpose

    If you’ve ever felt like you’ve been trying to change things about yourself and haven’t done it yet so something must be wrong with you - you’ll love this module! Most of our patterns were created based on old situations and paradigms. The same is true for most of the conversations you’re having now. Language is one of the ways our patterns stay entrenched - especially in personal relationships and social conversations - and why it often feels like we have ‘one foot on the gas and one foot on the brake.” Most of these patterns are invisible to us, Even in the world of transformation and personal growth, many conversations and language patterns keep you stuck when you’re working to try to change, which could make you feel bad about yourself, even when you’re trying to do good. Shifting these patterns and habits will change your results.

    • Identify old patterns and 'tapes' that influence your behaviors and conversations at home and in business.
    • Learn the ‘fast-track’ to making new associations with old beliefs (like “self sabotage” and “procrastination”) to create new conscious habits that support your current beliefs and situations. 
    • Develop emotional awareness to heal shame and judgment so you can bring compassion to yourself and others.

    Module 4  PRESENCE: 

    What is Influencing Your Thoughts and Actions

    There are different parts of us (different voices) that often take over in our communication and our reactions to what is happening around us. We think we’re in the present moment, but more often than not, something else is ‘running the show.’ Using our proven methodology called “Who’s Got the MicTM”, you’ll learn how to identify those parts of us and what they need (how they are protecting us) so you become more conscious and effective in speaking and leading.  

    • Develop your awareness to identify who’s speaking when you’re expressing yourself ranging from external influences to your inner child, outdated ideas to your higher self.
    • How to become more present and more able to respond rather than react.
    • Learn tools to make real-time shifts in conversations to move towards greater connection and understanding.

    Module 5  PRACTICES: 

    Finding the Truth Underneath the Patterns and Beliefs

    We often get stuck in a loop of  our mind telling ourselves something that seems true but impacts our ability to communicate effectively and express the core of what's really going on/what's really the issue at hand. Most of the time, we need help to uncover what's really going on.

    • Identify when you get caught up emotionally in a story that's not actually true and how that limits your ability to effectively communicate.
    • Increase your consciousness around self-care and the connection to your interactions and reactions to others.
    • Learn how to plug the places you’re draining your energy and enthusiasm. 

    Module 6  PROSPERITY: 

    Abundance, Prosperity and Wealth Consciousness in the New Paradigm

    What you appreciate, appreciates. We’ll explore how to activate prosperity and connect with the true source of your wealth, even in - especially in - these turbulent times.

    • Learn how to elevate your current set point for wealth consciousness, worthiness and what you believe is possible, especially during times of challenge.
    • Discover where you leak prosperity, power and presence and how to shift it immediately
    • Access greater connection with the people you care about and elevate your relationship consciousness

    Module 7  PROCLAMATION: 

    Create a New Paradigm Vision of Yourself and Others

    It’s time to celebrate the growth you’ve been making in this program and create a plan so you anchor in the new shifts with structures for support so you can stay the course, embody the shifts and strengthen your new toolbox and keep taking inspired action from a more grounded, embodied and empowered place within.

    • Learn how to anchor in the new paradigm shifts you've been making
    • Claim your vision and what’s important to you as a New Paradigm Leader
    • Create your next steps from your new awareness to create results and experiences you desire with more ease, grace and joy.

    each week you’ll learn and practice
    our proven “Language of Leadership TM” Tools 

    to create immediate shifts in the ways you communicate 

    with yourself and with others!

    And you'll get SO much more that’s important for YOU personally!

    Meet our Team of Integration Mentors who are living these principles and practices everyday!

    We’re here to raise consciousness, together!"

    Vanesa Curutchet, ND  is a Wellness Health Practitioner specializing in Ayurvedic Psychology. She has over 12 years of working as a healer and 20 years in leadership managing large teams in the wellness industry. She is passionate about social emotional learning and conscious communication, establishing a safe space for effective healing in professional and personal environments.

    Deborah Garrett is President/CEO of Living Vibrant Lives Inc and Flashback Music Memories, and has been bringing vintage entertainment, activities and social connection to older adults in assisted living facilities for over 20 years. As an Ambassador of Joy, her mission is to bring people together and help strengthen the connection between mind, body & spirit

    A magna cum laude graduate of UC Santa Barbara, Lisa Enochs has been doing corporate entertainment, team building and training for over 20 years. A Certified Trainer in DISC and Emotional Intelligence, she’s gifted at creating a safe atmosphere for groups to learn new, more effective ways to communicate with one another and learn about themselves. Lisa has designed and led programs throughout the U.S., Mexico, Barbados and Trinidad, and loves creating programs that give back to the community.

    For over 30 years, Kristy Deegan has moved businesses to multi seven figure numbers, including her own international construction management company in Mexico. Kristy has clients throughout North America and the South Pacific, and is a special part of the Amazing International Inc Team. Impacting the lives of tens of thousands of Corporate Leaders, executive teams, entrepreneurs and business owners internationally through her coaching and training, Kristy has just been chosen as The Woman of the Month for January by P.O.W.E.R. Magazine. (Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized)

    Sonia Meeter serves as the Area Director for Business Networking International (BNI) for the Southern Colorado region and is a Group Leader for Touchstone Crystal, Swarovski’s direct sales division for fashion jewelry. A certified Emotional Intelligence coach, Sonia believes we each have the responsibility for creating an environment hospitable for healing. A coach and consultant for twenty years, she creates a safe space that invites others to see the beauty and humor in all of life’s adventures. Sonia and her husband of 23-years, Kevin, are the adoptive parents to two daughters, and “Lolli & Pop” to their first granddaughter.

    Fran Larkin has had a career of leadership in a variety of settings government, corporate and small business for almost five decades.  She currently owns her own business in financial planning, also coaching small business owners in leadership and creating networks.  Conscious and compassionate communication are her keys to creating safety and creativity in meeting life challenges.

    Meet Your Master Trainers

    We are George P. Kansas and Tracey Trottenberg-Kansas, and have been pouring our hearts and souls into the work of conscious communication, integrated feminine and masculine leadership, and spiritual awakening for over 50 years combined. By now, you’ve noticed something bold and unique about “New Paradigm Leader."

    Why? Because, we like to do things differently. There is a yin and yang to all of us, a push and a pull, a masculine and feminine.

    There is wisdom in this interplay of energies, and much to learn from both perspectives and ways of being, and the integration of the two. This is just one of the reasons our teaching together has a unique and powerful impact that works for you from day one.

    After years on our own personal journeys, each and both coaching tens of thousands executives, entrepreneurs and teams in conscious communication and leadership, and winning honors that include best-selling author, award-winning international speakers, and - our personal favorite - “spiritual ignitors,” we came together in love and a shared mission to help people like you, find the true and full expression of all that is meant for you, and that you are uniquely and authentically here to fulfill.

    As a couple, we feel the growing urgency of bringing the power of masculine and feminine integration and harmony to light. We’re constantly emphasizing and celebrating the critical role this integration plays in healing the planet.

    As spiritual guides and “status quo” disruptors, walking this path each day ourselves and leading our Amazing Community, we know from experience that the results of living in this consciousness are juicy, liberating, and truly fulfilling.

    Tracey Trottenberg-Kansas has spoken to, trained and coached tens of thousands of corporate leaders, teams, entrepreneurs, women in business, speakers and authors internationally. With over twenty-five years in corporate and as an entrepreneur, she has shared the stage with luminaries such as Les Brown, Marianne Williamson, Lisa Nichols and others. Tracey is an Award-Winning Speaker, Creator and Co-Author of the best selling book “Faces of the New Feminine Leadership.”

    George Peter Kansas is an international speaker, recognized coach, and respected intuitive guide to performers, athletes, C-suite executives and entrepreneurs. A speaker for three decades, George has shared the marquis with inspirational greats like Zig Ziglar, Denis Waitley and Brian Tracy.   George has written 9 books, is a former lawyer, father and grandfather, 2-time cancer survivor, and now “presence advisor” to some of America’s most talented performing artists. He wrote the Jumper Cables for the Soul series of books and just completed an updating rewrite of the perennial classic The Science of Getting Rich.

    Our mission is to “elevate and accelerate consciousness on the planet by shifting the conversations happening on the inside and out.” Together we founded the 501c3 “Voices For Love” (formerly “Voices for the Voiceless”) to help spiritually-inclined, heart-centered difference-makers to live fully alive, be fully on purpose, and feel fully expressed by embodying your divinity and embracing your humanness - without ego and without apology.

    A personal note from Tracey about what’s possible
    for you here in our Amazing Community.

    How we hold and curate our community is sacred because, personally, I’ve never been a 'joiner' or ‘community person’ by nature. Truth is, I rarely felt like I fit in or belonged for most of my life.

    I struggled and judged myself because I wanted to feel more connected or 'at ease' with group dynamics. I often felt imposed upon and received unsolicited advice from folks that I didn't feel really got me, so what they said didn’t fit.

    I realized what I yearned for was to be supported to explore my deeper truth in a way that I felt safe and seen. I wanted help to bring out what was already inside of me that I couldn't see or access on my own. For a long time I thought I wanted more input from others, but I learned that what I truly desired was to set free more of my true self.
    So we created exactly that...for you.

    If you can relate and want to feel safe and seen so you can bring out what’s inside and become more of the real you...then “Welcome Home!”

    We create a space where you get to be the real you. We keep this "intentionally-intimate" so you get personal attention in a group. Where you get to bring whatever’s going for you and we help you apply these principles to your life, work and leadership.

    Join us in New Paradigm Leader and experience the amazing results that await, here for you!


    Join us for 7 Transformation weeks for you to receive:

    DAILY live prosperity and wealth consciousness meditations

    WEEKLY live teaching and transmission calls with group coaching and Q&A

    WEEKLY small group accountability to personalize the teachings and practice the tools

    DIGITAL video training, modules and worksheets

    24/7 EXCLUSIVE Private Facebook group 


    Register before September 30th to

    Receive a PRIVATE 1-on-1 "Action and Accountability" call 

    with your personal Integration Mentor ($300 value)

    The Value of This Program is Well Over $4000

    Your New Paradigm Leader Investment is:

    $888 or 
    3 payments of $314

    Register now (price goes up to $1111 on October 1st)

    It's Time To Say Yes To You!


    Voices for Love, Inc.

    Voices For Love, Inc. is an approved 501c3 charitable corporation created to expand consciousness, magnify impact, and spread the experience of love, kindness, and well-being in mind, body, emotion, and spirit on this planet. We support heart-centered difference makers and their passion projects with education, leadership training, fundraising, awareness, support, community and empowerment.


    Frequently Asked Questions about your New Paradigm Leader Program

    Q: When will the calls be held?

    A: Your New Paradigm Leader Live Teaching and Coaching Calls will be held on Tuesdays - Oct. 12, 19, 26 and Nov. 1, 8, 16  - With a Bonus call on Nov. 30.  

    Calls will begin at 4pm Pacific/7pm Eastern and will run approx. 90 minutes

    Q:  Will the calls be recorded in case I miss one?

    A: There’s just no substitute for the power of doing this work in-person with fellow messengers, leaders and difference makers. If you must miss a session, however, playbacks will be available in your online learning portal.

    Q: How does the program work?  What should I expect?

    A: You'll have access to a library of online content with videos and/or worksheets for each module.

    Allow approximately 90+ mins for each call - add extra time for absorption/integration and in case the call goes over.  We recommend that you block off 2 hrs each week.

    Make the most of your experience.  Share and ask questions on the calls. Do the homework. Engage in the Facebook Group. The more you give to the program, the more the program will give you.

    Q:  How will attending this program help my business?

    A: New Paradigm Leader is about helping you get your message and leadership out into the world in a bigger way with tools and skills that will give you more clarity, confidence and help you be more compelling. Whether you’re just getting started or have been in business many years, this program is designed to give you tools to reach your next level.

    Q: What if I don’t have a business? 
    A: If you don't currently have a business or aren't clear about your purpose, but you know you have a calling you’ll use the tools you learn here to help get clear, and to become a better communicator with your family and community. This will be of massive value to you and hugely beneficial for you, exactly where you are now.

    Q: Am I going to be one of many in a sea of zoom windows (i.e.: Will there be tons of people attending)?
    A: Great question! We keep New Paradigm Leader intentionally intimate and interactive - you'll have lots of opportunity to engage, ask questions and get support for what you need in this group setting. You will be seen and heard, and surrounded by amazing people like you who are also doing the work to grow themselves.

    You also receive a brief questionnaire as soon as you register so we get to know you personally.  You'll be able to share with us where you are and what you need most. We want to know YOU and how we can support you before we gather in the zoom room. As you see, we are NOT cookie-cutter and this is designed intentionally. The intimacy and interactivity of this program is one of the things that makes this unique. It’s very important for us to find out more about you and your why for being in New Paradigm Leader!

    Q: What if I am already in other programs or feeling overwhelmed with too many options of what to do with my business?
    A: Whether you’re in other programs or feeling overwhelmed by all of the information out there on how to live your purpose and grow yourself as a leader, you’re here reading this for a reason. Maybe you feel something is still missing...or what you’re implementing isn’t quite “you.” Maybe you just want more for yourself and your business. Or maybe you just need someone to help you connect the dots and tie it all together so you really get the value of all you’ve invested.

    The work we'll do together is about integrating all of you and giving you tools and a roadmap to become more aligned and congruent as you develop authentic confidence 'from the inside out'. This is about you being more you, and when you have the tools we'll share, you can fast-track and get right to the heart of what's calling you up in your growth and evolution now, rather than get stuck or slowed down.

    Q: Will I have the chance to interact with Tracey and George?
    A: Yes! And our Amazing team of Integration Mentors, too!  New Paradigm Leader is a highly interactive program combining in-depth training, hands-on practice and real-time coaching. You'll also be with our amazing community and we know you'll feel at home right away...that's why we're called the "Home of the Messengers."

    Q: Will there be selling at this program?
    A:  New Paradigm Leader is built around training and tools, deep support, and real-time coaching to guide you through the ways to achieve the results in your life and business that you’re truly desiring.  At a point during the program, we will share opportunities for you to be engaged deeper in the work and supported on an ongoing basis.
     Our alumni and amazing community continue to prove that sticking with us throughout their journey is how they continue to evolve their businesses, leadership, conscious communications and grow in all areas of their life in easier and faster ways than doing it alone. But if you come just for the program and don’t accept our invitation to support you further, our experience shows us that you’re still going to receive many benefits including teaching for greater expression, more clarity, confidence and real tools to help you be more compelling so you can Live, Love and Lead AMAZING!

    Copyright 2021, Amazing International - TERMS and CONDITIONS