You Have Magnificence Inside.

 Are You Living It?

Shining It?

Sharing It?

Or hiding and holding back, waiting for the right time, to have it all together

or to make sure others are ok with you shining so bright?

Are you hungry for real conversations, genuine connections and actual tools to create real change in yourself, your family and the world?

 Are you tired of most of the conversations that pop up in your newsfeed and want something that feels more elevated, expansive and aligned?

Are you wanting to stop the patterns that no longer work, drop the masks that keep you hidden, stop the spinning or trying to hold it all together so you can finally let yourself live, love, lead, speak and shine as the real you!

Welcome Home!

Amazing women and men like you - leaders, messengers and people wanting to make a difference, like you - have been investing thousands and tens of thousands of dollars to work with George and Tracey to become more of their real selves, create real shifts, produce real results, and become more of who they truly are and are here to be.

Not a cookie cutter system or ‘step by step how to become an expert’ according to what others tell you.


Rather, guides to your own true self within so you can BE who you desire to become, and DO what’s inspired, aligned and authentic, for you.

you Are AMAZING 
and Here with a Purpose
A voice and a vision.
A desire to be seen and heard so you can Make a positive difference.

Being Vulnerable & Visible Is Scary!

It's not enough to just be vulnerable. It requires a safe space to find your own voice and truth, be messy and be magnificent, and know that you’re not being judged, overridden, or imposed upon.

You might be comparing yourself to what you see others talking about or see them as 'having it all together.' You may think someone else has what you need, or knows what's best, and keep searching for something you still haven't found.

The thing is 

We all need a safe place where we can we can plug in without fear of judgment or being told what to do.

A place to be heard and seen, and to be safe to dig deeper inside to pull out what wants to emerge.

And to do this with others who are doing the same thing.

Our Purpose Is To Help You Awaken And Evolve Into Yours, In The Most Real And Authentic Way That Feels True And Juicy For You.

Your participation in The Amazing Life will change the way you experience your purpose, your prosperity consciousness, wealth creation and your relationships with people, money, your work and the world. 

"The Amazing Life is powerful because in the absence of all the noise of other peoples’ opinions, I am free to discover my own voice and live my own purpose!”

A special environment that is supportive, kind, loving and encouraging allowing for the experience of being fully alive, fully free and fully on purpose, in particular the absence of unfair or unwelcome demand, judgment or burden.

A rare place in which full soul-expression is explored, discovered and expressed characterized by an environment free of bombardment by opinion, unsolicited advice, judgment, shame, guilt.

Join the Amazing Community so that you could enjoy the powerful support of the imposition free zone!

It's Your Time To Start Living From The Inside Out!

You want to be amazing and do, be, and have all the things that would feel amazing to you. We get that! 

But nothing changes if you don’t know what’s going on inside of you.

If you're not aware of where you are now and who you're being, and who you desire to become, then you don't actually know how you are creating your life right now.

Becoming who you want to be doesn't happen by accident. 

It doesn't happen by staying in the same loop that got you here.

And, it doesn't happen by trying to go it alone or chasing every 'quick fix'.

Becoming who you want to become happens when you understand and implement principles and practices that empower you to make real change that is aligned with who you really are and what you really desire... and surround yourself with others playing in a high vibe and a high consciousness.

Welcome To The Home Of The Messengers!.

We are the home of the Messengers - the place where you get to gather in a higher consciousness and bring together your spiritual center and have the ‘rubber hit the road’ in your life so you can practice, apply and benefit from the spiritual tools and truths you’ve heard a million times but roll around in your head as ideas and don’t yet fully come alive in your everyday life.

We guide to your own true self within, and how to BE that, and then DO what’s inspired, aligned and authentic, for you.

This is about BEING and then DOING from the inside out, from inspiration, and from what feels true for you. 

This is spiritual and strategic for your life, business, relationships and more. 

This is practical for your everyday, with consistent practices that will bring you real change and sustained evolution.

It’s about unplugging from the noise and being bombarded with what you’re supposed to do, comparing and judging yourself, or being afraid of what others think of you, so you can actually hear your truth and discover what wants to emerge in, as and through you, and then how to take that out into your life, your work, and your world in a way that feels real, authentic and true for you.

Our path and work, and our entire community, is about living from the inside out.

Then how to make that real and be aligned with it, and then the ease, grace, abundance and joy come from there. 

We know you don’t need more information!

This is about BEING and then DOING from the inside out. From inspiration. And, from what feels true for you.


This is spiritual work and strategic guidance for your life, leadership, business, relationships and more.


This is practical and grounded for you to use in your everyday experiences, with consistent practices that will bring you real change and sustained evolution.

This is about unplugging from the noise 'out there' and from being bombarded with what you’re supposed to do. So you can stop comparing and judging yourself, or being afraid of what others think of you, and instead drop in deeper within yourself to hear your truth.

This is about connecting more with yourself so you can discover and deepen what wants to emerge in, as and through you, as we guide you within and then how to take it out for a spin in your life, your work, leadership, communication, relationships.

This is about embracing and integrating all of who you are, not segmenting your business from your heart, or your dreams from your day to day living and leadership.

This path and work, and our entire community, is about living from the inside out.

Quieting the noise and influences so you can hear what’s in your heart and what’s wanting to emerge.

From there, together we help you align with your truth and make it real in your life. This is the springboard towards more ease, grace, abundance and joy from which to live, lead and love your life and purpose.

We’ll show you how to interpret challenges and obstacles so you are empowered. And, help you integrate what you learn so even when life throws you curve balls on your path, you'll see how it serves you and your purpose.

You will have MORE of YOU so you can live your life and express your leadership in a way that's authentic, real and amazing!

The Amazing Community is for you, if:

  • You believe - or know - you have something important to say and are ready to say it.
  • You know what you've been through has prepared you to lead others through whatever it is they are going through.
  • You know you’re here to help raise the vibration, expand the awareness, and elevate the consciousness of the planet.

The Amazing Community is NOT a good fit for you, if:

  • You think you’re done growing or learning.
  • You are closed to new ideas or think that the world is too far gone for you to make a difference.
  • You are committed to doing it alone or think the world is about “every man for himself”.

If you're ready to take a powerful stand for your life and yourself, we’ve opened our doors at an incredible investment so you can play with us and step more into the real you, now!



 The AMAZING Life! 

A Global Network of Spiritually-Inspired, Heart-Based Difference-Makers, Entrepreneurs, Leaders and People Like You, Dedicated to Living More Consciously, Making a Real Impact and Having Amazing Lives.

What We Mean By AMAZING

  • all Of you - This is personal And the fullness and totality of you is welcome And Included And Integrated 
  • Mission and Purpose - You are Here For A Purpose and Living your Mission Is The Most Rich And Rewarding Way To Live Your Life
  • Abundance - Prosperity Consciousness Training - Wealth in all ways including money, Consciousness of being aware, Understanding and Knowing All Your Needs are always met And How To Manifest In A Way That Feels Juicy 
  • Zest and Zing - Living In pleasure and fulfillment so you are the most juicy you
  • Impact and Influence -  Developing your platform for change wherever you go; having resonance and BEING confident, compelling and  congruent
  • Now - Living in the Present and Having presence for Maximum impact
  • Growing - Everyday practices for personal expansion To Awaken, align and Actualize What's In Your Heart.  

The Amazing Life!

For a monthly investment of less than a latte a day, you get:


After many years, the doors are now open to what people like you have been paying thousands and tens of thousands of dollars to have access to that has transformed their lives and businesses!

  • To George and Tracey (people have invested tens of thousands of dollars for access to their wisdom and guidance)

  • To the Amazing Community: other visionary leaders, women and men like you, who are also doing the deeper work to live more purposefully, and make a real and lasting impact.

  • To real tools, strategies, practices, spiritual technology and day to day practices so the ‘rubber hits the road’ in your life, love and leadership
  • Exclusive access to women’s conversation, men’s conversation, partners on purpose, and how we all elevate together
  • Special advanced access with special pricing for exclusive live events and retreats throughout the year.


You can’t change what you don’t see, and chasing the next thing and looking outside yourself won’t bring you what you really desire, and are meant for in your heart.

  • Of yourself: we all have blind spots. Nothing changes if you don’t know what’s actually going on inside of you and how you show up on the outside, and are creating your life, right now.
  • Of your patterns, the masks you’ve been wearing, roles you’ve been playing and how to finally stop ‘spinning’ so many plates and hold it all together so you can let yourself live, lead, love, speak, shine and be the real you!
  • Of what it takes to be more effective and have greater impact in a way that is harmony with your heart and feels fulfilling in all the ways you desire.
  • Of how the universe and life is working FOR you and how to align with your higher truth, higher self and experience the ease, grace and abundance that’s here for you without pushing or trying to be someone that you’re not, or copy someone else.


Your capacity to manifest is directly related to your consciousness. Manifestation in all areas happens when who you’re BEING and what you’re DOING are in alignment.

  • Opportunities to connect and plug in to a safe and sacred space to put your guard down and remember the big picture of what’s really going on, who you really are, and how to recalibrate in real, practical ways so you can shift your day and yourself immediately.
  • “Rubber hitting the road” spiritual tools and technology to be more conscious and aware of how to show up in a way that feels more authentic and aligned, so you can take inspired actions from the inside out.
  • Support so you can see yourself more clearly and make choices and changes that are true to you in your life, business, relationships, spirituality, parenting, partnerships and more.
  • This is about ALL OF YOU and the fullness of who you are in all areas of your life.


You have magnificence inside. You are either in harmony with that or resisting it

  • Learn how to see who you really are, and how to bring forward the fullness and totality of you, without segmenting or cutting parts of yourself out to fit into a box or a way others tell you, or have told you you’re supposed to be.
  • Be supported to give yourself what you need to live your true self and BE the amazing YOU!
  • Self care, self trust, self love and how to give yourself what you need to have the energy and presence to relax, not hold it all together, or rock it out -- any or all of that in any particular order on any given day!

Our Mission Is To Elevate And Accelerate The Consciousness Of The Planet.


For a combined 50 years on stage, George and Tracey teach “Messenger training from the inside out.” Together, they help women and men in business, speakers, authors, coaches and entrepreneurs to step into their authentic voice and own any stage.

TRACEY: With over twenty five years in corporate and as an entrepreneur, keynote speaker, master trainer, Feminine Leadership and Conscious Communication expert, Tracey has spoken to, trained and coached tens of thousands of people internationally. 

She has shared the stage with luminaries such as Les Brown, Lisa Nichols, Marianne Williamson and more.

She's the co-author of the 3-category Amazon Bestseller "Faces of the New Feminine Leadership", Tracey was a top ten finalist in "North America's Next Greatest Speaker" competition. She is the Founder of Amazing Women International Inc.

GEORGE: A recognized coach to performers, athletes, C-suite executives and entrepreneurs for nearly three decades, George  has shared the marquis with inspirational greats Zig Ziglar, Denis Waitley and Brian Tracy.

He’s the author of 9 books, a former lawyer, single dad and two-time cancer survivor and advisor to some of America’s most noted performers. Through it all, he’s learned how to transcend challenging circumstances and find joy in the journey.

Through surviving cancer, George has seen, experienced and taught the strategies behind the power to change your life with the words you choose, the thoughts you believe and the feelings you maintain.  

In his groundbreaking leadership and communication training programs, George sets the standard for twenty first century men to fully occupy their space and hold space for their amazing women.

George and Tracey have invested their lives in the intellectual and spiritual understanding of conscious communication.

They’ve seen first hand the power words can have. They’ve invested their lives in understanding how. Whether exploring the depths of spirituality or discussing leadership strategies for the 21st century – or both – George and Tracey provide valuable inspirational insight because over their lives, they’ve done it.

The programs offered by Amazing International, Inc. have been called the Harvard MBA of Conscious Communications.  

Together, this dynamic duo guide Messengers ready to create, embody and lead transformational conversations in our world. Tracey and George founded “Voices for the Voiceless;” a not-for-profit fund to support women, children, animals, cancer survivors and mother Earth.

Together, they Co-host the live events, “Own, Honor and Unleash™” and “Speak with Soul™” as well as the podcasts, “The Deeper Conversation” and “Prosperity Playground” daily prosperity meditations.

We are George P. Kansas and Tracey Trottenberg-Kansas, and have been pouring our hearts and souls into the work of conscious communication, feminine and masculine leadership and spiritual awakening for over 50 years combined. 

By now, you’ve noticed something bold and unique about “The Amazing Life" Community.

Why? Because, we like to do things differently.  There is a yin and yang to all of us, a push and a pull, a masculine and feminine. There is wisdom in the interplay of these energies, and much to learn from both perspectives and ways of being, and the integration of the two.

​After years on our own personal journeys, each and both coaching tens of thousands executives, entrepreneurs and teams in conscious communication and leadership, and winning honors that include best-selling author, award-winning international speakers, and our personal favorite, “spiritual ignitors,” we came together in love and a shared mission to help women and men, like you, find the true and full expression of all that is meant for you, and that you are uniquely and authentically here to fulfill.

We are so passionate and blessed for this purpose of freeing the feminine, and supporting conscious men desiring to embody the new masculine and fan the flames of the amazing women in their lives.

As a couple, we feel the growing urgency of bringing the power of masculine and feminine harmony and integration to light, and its imperative role in healing the planet.

As spiritual guides and “status quo” disruptors, walking this path everyday ourselves and leading our amazing community, we know from experience that the results of living in this consciousness are juicy, liberating and truly fulfilling.

A personal note from 

George and Tracey

During meditation we got the download of 10,000 leaders of light by 2020.

Everything is accelerating now - you’re probably feeling it - and we are all being asked to step more into our heartfelt leadership and voice, and bring out what’s inside so you can express that deeper gift and message you are uniquely here to share. 

In the personal development industry, we believe the lightworkers and messengers here to make a real difference have been bombarded with what you’re supposed to do, how much you’re supposed to make, and how you’re supposed to be an expert. While these are useful and have merit in many ways, we've seen too many bright lights get lost in the noise, hide in self judgment and comparison, and then question themselves or lose the true essence of what’s really in their heart. 

That's heartbreaking, and not what we're here for. And - we get it!

We’ve both experienced the feelings of shame, judgment and comparison of not ‘measuring up’ to what others said it’s supposed to look like.

But the the truth is, we both knew something more authentic and not ‘cookie cutter’ was trying to emerge. So rather than following someone’s system so we can be like them, we stayed true to our path and made many hard choices while building something very beautiful, and special. We stayed true to knowing that we’re here to birth something new and allow the divine to express uniquely in, as, and through us. And to create and hold a safe space for others to find their true voice and bring that into their lives and their work.

And how to love our lives, and our life together, and live fully alive, fully expressed and fully on purpose with the freedom and fulfillment that comes with that level of commitment. With tools and ways to navigate the bumps and hard times, and know that on the other side is a stronger foundation upon which to build and more obedience for the divine calling that we're here to fulfill.

We know there’s a unique ‘something’ inside of you that needs a safe space to be nurtured and held...

The Amazing Community is unique in every way.

We created this because we didn’t see it anywhere. We kept deepening our walk and holding true to what was calling us inside - when we were clear and when we weren't...but still walked in faith and our Truth.

We've held this same space for many others and stayed intimate and focused on our beloved community. Now we’ve opened the doors and inviting you in so you can be more of the real you.

Imagine a place to plug in and feel good about yourself and share without imposing

To find your voice and truth as the AMAZING YOU.

We guarantee that participation in this community will absolutely change the way you experience your purpose, your prosperity and wealth, and your relationships with people, money, your work and the world. If it doesn’t, it won’t be because we didn’t provide the platform for your greatest opportunity to succeed.

That’s a nice way of saying that we’ll meet you on the road. We’ll give you the benefit of everything we’ve learned by way of expanding your consciousness and applying that in practical ways. The rest, as they say, is up to you.

Don’t worry, we’ll be with you every step of the way!

Here's What Your 12 Month
Membership Includes:  

Daily "Prosperity Playground" Call


Your capacity to manifest is directly related to your consciousness. Manifestation in all areas happens when who you’re BEING and what you’re DOING are in alignment.

Monday through Friday, this listen-only call with George and/or Tracey will infuse you with a Daily Dose of Wealth-Consciousness Tools, Spiritual Teaching and Real Strategies that you can take into your day and Implement. 

These calls are Jumper Cables for the SoulTM.

The calls are recorded and available to Members Only.

Monthly Masterclasses with Teachings and Transmissions


You have magnificence inside. 

It's time to learn how to own

how amazing you are...

without ego, and without apology.

Once a month, you’ll receive a Video Teaching / Transmission from George and/or Tracey covering:


  • Conscious Living
  • Conscious  Communication
  • Spiritual Awakening and Integration
  • Owning Your Divinity
  • Manifesting and Making Money
  • Living Your Purpose Authentically
  • and Much More...

You can watch these at your leisure and as many times as you want and get all the gold that’s there!

These teachings, transmissions and talks will stir you to go deeper with real exercises and practices so you can BE and DO the real you.

Live Q&A Calls with Laser Coaching

Every other month, you’ll stay on after the teaching call for LIVE INTERACTION.

You’ll have a chance to ask questions, connect personally, and get laser coaching.

These calls go Deep and High, and ALL of YOU is welcome!

Private Facebook Group

You have access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to our Unique, “Imposition-free” Amazing Life Online Private Group.

This Group is a Judgment-Free and Imposition-Free 'Safe Zone', where you are encouraged and invited to unplug from outside noise and discover your own truth, and find your authentic voice.

 Exclusive savings and
member benefits

Your Amazing Community Membership also gives you Special Pricing and Advanced Access to Live Events, Exclusive Retreats, and Other Amazing Experiences throughout the year (saving you thousands).

In addition to being online and on calls together, you’ll also be able to join us for live, in-person gatherings throughout the year so we can see you face-to-face, and grow together that way too!

Voices for the Voiceless

Every month, a percentage of your Amazing Life  Membership goes to “Voices for the Voiceless,” our 501-C3 Non-Profit Organization dedicated to helping those who are not able to speak for themselves, or are not being heard. 

Your voice will make a difference and as you work on yourself and invest in your evolution and awakening, you help those in need. Together, WE make the world safer, kinder and more caring for the kids, animals, women, cancer survivors and our Mother Earth.

What Others Are Saying About The Amazing Life

Taking a leap of faith, I decided to work with Tracey. I started to acknowledge and embrace what was deep inside me and holding me back from success. With her love, support and ability to create a safe space for me to be REAL things quickly started shifting.

I am pretty bold and confident however, what most people don’t know about me I have some fierce stage fright. My nerves, self doubt and persistent voice of not being enough are all right behind my charisma.

Taking a leap of faith, I decided to work with Tracey. I started to acknowledge and embrace what was deep inside me and holding me back from success. With her love, support and ability to create a safe space for me to be REAL things quickly started shifting. 

When I delivered my next workshop I was not the same and did $15,000 in one day. I am go grateful for our work together and your support, and ready to go even deeper to do my big work! 

Ann Bennett
~Renegade Branding

"I recommend this work to everyone."

"I'm feeling new awakenings and new openings that are transpiring because of it. An evolution. A shifting and up-leveling, for sure. I recommend this work to everyone. Everyone who is ready to open up and step into a greater version of themselves."

John Michael Maury

Transformational Performer, Teacher

~  San Diego, California

“I used to think, 'I’ve been there, I’ve done that, I know how to do this.' And what I learned very quickly is that I really didn’t. I had done some work, and there were so many more layers of me to work with. What I didn’t realize was that I was playing very small. Being in this space allowed me to say yes to that next level and release old ways and old structures that were no longer serving me in my business.

I was also blown away by the blended male and female energy of Tracey and George. So much of what George shared touched me so deeply, because I knew I had some things to work on regarding men and male energy. I felt very blessed to be able to have both of their energy. Watching the two of them together is literally like magic.”

Chris Hazen Molina

Heartfelt Workforce + LifeForce,

~  Tucson, Arizona

"This is more life changing than anything else I’ve ever done. Clearly. Without a doubt."

"Took me to places inside myself I’ve never been before. I started to realize how much I had to own and honor, and wanted to unleash. This is more life changing than anything else I’ve ever done. Clearly. Without a doubt."

Deborah Garrett

Performer, Business Owner

~  Orange County, California

"George and Tracey as leaders is what separates this from others."

“My life was always about seeking something--that next level of learning, that next thing, that next workshop. That ‘golden nugget’ that was going to help me take my business and my life to the next level. It was always outside of myself.


At first, I was skeptical and thought “what’s going to have this be different?” Then I saw George and Tracey and I knew they were different. They have different styles, but come from the same place, different words, different vocabulary, different flavor. 

George and Tracey as leaders is what separates this from anything else. It’s a different conversation. I learned that it’s not about me doing more--I’m not a doing machine. No amount of studying and new knowledge will help me BE more heard and self-expressed. It’s about who I am being, and that was the shift.”
Brandy Rainey-Amstel
~ Film Maker, Transformational Artist
Austin, Texas

I come from a military background, and it’s great, but you lose yourself to become something that is necessary. I wasn’t able to have my own voice. Because of this work I found my voice. I found that I could speak and whatever I said, it was okay.

“I come from a military background, and it’s great, but you lose yourself to become something that is necessary. I wasn’t able to have my own voice. Because of this work I found my voice. I found that I could speak and whatever I said, it was okay.

I walked away from that event a changed woman. I didn’t know what happened. I just knew that I didn’t have to look at things the way I had before, and I that I could live in a brighter manner.

I never thought that I would be who I am today because of it. I became a television talk show host. I had no idea that was in my future. Two years later, I’m a producer. I have a voice now.”  

Wanda Petty
~SHE VET Inspires, Bowie, MD


Why so much for this level of investment?

Because we want you to be fully free, fully alive and fully on purpose to live, lead and love as the unique, real, AMAZING YOU!

You can play and join in as much or as little as you want.


Knowing you have this here for you is the game changer - you showing up is what makes it work in your life.

Your life will continue to be as it is unless you have a place where you can see yourself and become aware of your patterns and what’s working for you, and what’s holding you back.

A place to plug in and be reminded of what’s real when things get busy, crazy and make you feel alone or like you’re not measuring up. And a place to practice becoming aware and making choices and changes that are authentic for you, and that allow you to become more of the real you and love yourself, your life, and your leadership!

Real awakening and change does not happen in a weekend or in one workshop.

  • It does not happen when you read one book or watch one webinar.

  • Or when you learn new things and then forget because life gets in the way.

  • It does not last when you go back to the same environment and habits you’ve had all along.

Real change and becoming your authentic self can only happen in a SAFE SPACE where you can see yourself over time and make real shifts that feel authentic for you.


Being the real you - seen and heard, vulnerable and visible - is scary.

This needs a safe space to find your own voice and truth, be messy and be magnificent, and know that you’re not being judged, overridden, or imposed upon with advice and fixes.

Real change happens when you have consistent practice and opportunities to see yourself and your ‘stuff’, identify what’s happening, holding you back or wanting to emerge, and practicing new ways of being and doing, and then having a place to check in.

Real change happens when you become aware of your inner landscape and your outer expression, and have structures to support you to take care of yourself and live the life, and be the leader, you know in your heart you’re meant for.

This is who we are.

This is what we’ve been doing for years.

Now we’re opening this up for you too!


This is why we have so much here for you!

I found the idea of feminine leadership rather intimidating.

I didn’t feel like I was feminine enough to work on feminine leadership and didn’t even know what it meant! I learned that it’s the essence of who I am, uniquely as a woman, and expressing that and the absolute power I have in that. I now have the awareness..." 

Rena Bonesio
~Author, Speaker, Trainer 

"I used to be in the financial services industry and was leading my coaching practice with that same masculine energy. That’s how I was taught to lead.  My clients were used to me that way.

.After working with Tracey and George, they started getting a version of me that was far more heart-to-heart and who was focusing on their purpose. They loved the new Sonia! It was great to hear from other people that I work with that yes, there had been changes, and it was in a positive direction.”

Sonia Meeter
~ Summit Success Coaching
Colorado Springs, Colorado

Seeing other successful women and men be vulnerable, and show who they were, was really inspiring."

“I had the seed of a new business idea when I started and felt safe enough to share it for the first time publicly, because I felt like this is the place where I can actually put words to this. Somehow, it helped me get really clear on that. Seeing other successful women and men be vulnerable, and show who they were, was really inspiring. I’m interacting with my clients now in a more feminine way, and my world isn’t crashing down because I’m more vulnerable with them. It’s actually making it really enjoyable for all of us and I feel free. That’s huge.” 

Rashi Mehra-Karnani
~Copy Writer, Copy Coach

10,000 Leaders of Light

OUR VISION is to support the creation of 10,000 Leaders of Light (you could be one of them).

OUR MISSION is to elevate and accelerate the consciousness of the planet.

THE PURPOSE of The Amazing Community is to provide the kind of support, encouragement, training, coaching and experiences necessary to live your life fully free, fully alive, and fully on purpose. To support you in exploring, discovering, articulating and expressing your purpose through every aspect of your life.

Change requires discipline AND support. None of us are meant to do it alone. Especially those of us with BIG purpose in this world.  

Big healing purpose. 

Big teaching purpose.  

Big inspiring purpose.

Because of this work I am creating a viable and successful business doing more public speaking, and my relationships are improving.

I knew I needed to step up and be who I am.  I felt alone and wanted support by people of like minds. I knew I wanted a team and I wasn't sure what I was looking for.  When I met Tracey and George, I knew I was home. I felt safe, confident, and aligned. I wanted to learn how to open to a new team moving away from the traditional form of my team of the past 30 years in business and get to be who I really am."

Steffi Jo
~Artist, Writer, Essence Coach

"I had never met a man like George who has spiritual depth and holds such a beautiful space for all of us and makes us feel really safe."

 He’s incredible and his perspective taught me so much. I was also touched by George and Tracey’s love and support for each other. They modeled something beautiful for all of us. How to be with our spouse or partner.” ~ Debbie Hoffman, Power-Up Your Follow-Up, San Ramon, California 

​Debbie Hoffman
~ CEO & Founder, Power-Up Your Follow-Up
San Ramon, California

It's empowering to know that it starts with me or it's inside me. Then I have the ability to change it.

I would recommend this work for anyone who wants a really fulfilling life, or if their life doesn't look the way they want it to look. That's what this is about - approaching that and figuring out how to get - it's kind of corny - but the life you want."

Dave Watts
~Business Owner, Consultant Hollywood, California


  • DAILY Prosperity Playground Meditations
        (Over 250 calls each year - minimum value $2500)
  • Monthly Live Teachings
         (Minimum $1200 value)
  • Live Q&A Coaching
        (Minimum value - $2400)
  • Private Facebook Group Interaction
        (Minimum value - $750)
  • Exclusive Member Savings to Events & Community Gatherings  (Thousands of $$$ in Savings)
  • Your Membership Supports Voices for the Voiceless 501c3  (Priceless!)


We're offering this exclusive 12 month membership for just $88 per month.

YES!!! You read that correctly! 

Only $88 a month!

If you prefer to pay in full for your exclusive 12 month membership, you get a 20% discount...  

YES!!! That's 2 months for FREE!


  Discover and Own What's Amazing About You...​

 This IS the Year You Create Your Amazing Life Without Ego and Without Apology. 

There's No Time to Waste.

 Your Life And The World 
Need You NOW, More than Ever To Show Up Fully As Your Most Authentic, Powerful Self.

Ready to immerse yourself in LIVING AMAZING?

  Only $88 a month for 12 months 


   $88O for the entire year. You get 2 months for free - saving you 20%! 

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